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Latissimus Dorsi Pain: Everything You Need to Know

Written by Prime Surgical Suites | August 7, 2023

Latissimus dorsi pain can be a discomforting and limiting condition that affects the back muscles. The latissimus dorsi, commonly called "lats," is a large muscle on either side of the upper back. It is crucial in various upper-body movements, including pulling, lifting, and reaching. This comprehensive guide will explore the causes of latissimus dorsi pain, the differences between a tear and a strain, and the available treatment options.

What is the Latissimus Dorsi?

The latissimus dorsi muscles are situated in the middle and lower part of the back, extending from the spine to the sides and attaching to the humerus bone in the upper arm. These broad, triangular muscles contribute to the stabilization and movement of the shoulders, spine, and arms. Their primary functions include adduction (pulling the arm toward the body), extension (pulling the arm backward), and internal shoulder joint rotation.

Common Causes of Latissimus Dorsi Pain

  1. Overuse or Repetitive Movements: Engaging in activities that involve repetitive use of the latissimus dorsi muscles, such as swimming, rowing, Golfing, and weightlifting, can strain the muscle and lead to pain.
  2. Trauma or Injury: Sudden impact or trauma to the back, such as a fall or direct blow, can result in latissimus dorsi pain.
  3. Poor Posture: Maintaining improper posture for extended periods can strain the latissimus dorsi and surrounding muscles, leading to pain and discomfort.
  4. Muscle Imbalance: Imbalances between the latissimus dorsi and other surrounding muscles can cause overcompensation and subsequent pain.
  5. Aging and Degenerative Changes: As we age, the muscles and connective tissues in the body may undergo degenerative changes, increasing the risk of latissimus dorsi pain.

Tear vs. Strain: Understanding the Difference

  1. Latissimus Dorsi Tear: A tear refers to a partial or complete rupture of the muscle fibers. It is typically caused by sudden, forceful movements or trauma. Symptoms may include severe pain, weakness, bruising, and limited range of motion.
  2. Latissimus Dorsi Strain: A strain occurs when the muscle fibers are overstretched or torn to a lesser degree. It is often the result of overuse, repetitive motions, or improper technique. Symptoms may include localized pain, muscle stiffness, and reduced strength.

Treatment Options for Latissimus Dorsi Pain

  1. Rest and Ice: Resting the affected area and applying ice packs can help reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling.
  2. Pain Management: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.
  3. Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can provide exercises and stretches to strengthen the latissimus dorsi muscles, improve flexibility, and promote proper biomechanics.
  4. Heat Therapy: Heat therapy, such as warm compresses or heating pads, can help relax the muscles and promote blood flow, aiding healing.
  5. Massage and Manual Therapy: Techniques like deep tissue massage and myofascial release can help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.
  6. Rehabilitation Exercises: Gradual progression of exercises under the guidance of a healthcare professional can help restore strength, range of motion, and function.
  7. Surgical Intervention: In severe cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgery may be considered to repair a significant tear or injury.


Latissimus dorsi pain can be a challenging condition to deal with, but with proper understanding and the right treatment approach, relief is possible. When seeking professional help, Prime Surgical is here to assist you on your path to recovery. Their team of experienced health professionals and surgeons specializes in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, including latissimus dorsi pain. 

Don't let your latissimus dorsi pain hold you back any longer. Reach out to Prime Surgical today and take the first step toward getting the relief you deserve.

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